Baby Massage Course/ Atelier de massage pour bébés (bilingue)

Baby Massage Course is given in a beautiful studio with an intimate group of 4-6 families. It is given every 3-4 months or according to demands. Private sessions with specific needs are possible. If you have a space or work at a place where you would like to have a Baby Massage Course, please contact me for details.

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Baby Massage Course with Sally Lee
– suitable for babies from 6 weeks to 15 months

Baby massage can allow communications with all the senses between the baby and the parents or the caretakers. It can help better sleeping patterns, digestion, and reduce stress and crying. The massage techniques are applicable till they are toddler, and there are ways to massage older kids as they get very active 😉 It is about ‘The History of Touch’ as much as what ‘massage’ implies ❤️

In this 2.5hr course, you will learn how to massage your baby:
– from head to toes / daily routine
– with techniques, particularly in acupressure and reflexology
– and how to work with common ailments, such as cold, fever, teething, indigestion, colic, etc.

This course is suitable for mothers-to-be, new parents or doula/postpartum doula or anyone who takes care of little ones

$135 per family
Insurance receipt is available.
The cost includes an organic homemade massage oils, sleep balm, and a detailed handouts. (2 spots with reduced rate available for parents in needs of financial assistance. Contact Sally for details.)

Registration :

About the teacher:
Sally Lee is a certified massage therapist, yoga teacher, and yoga therapist. Lee believes the body consists of living wisdom and healing ability to attune itself to a balance. Parenthood, and especially motherhood, in the various spectrum of the meaning of the word, laid the creation in our consciousness before the action has taken place. Motherhood in all kinds of forces and of nature – the life, wisdom, love, community, generosity of motherhood – the innate power, the energy to create, regenerate, of abundance, to share, to a place where the center is the universe.


Atelier de Massage pour bébés avec Sally Lee – Convient aux bébés du 6 semaines à 15 mois

Apprenez à mieux communiquer avec votre bébé en lui offrant des massages qui peuvent aider le sommeil, renforcer le système immunitaire et digestif, puis détendre les tensions musculaires. Le massage peut adapter pour les tout petits et même pour les poupons actifs 😉 lI s’agit de ‘History of Touch’ c’est à dire tout ce que ‘le massage’ implique❤️

La durée du cours (2hr), vous pouvez comprendre:
– comment faire le massage pour votre bébé de la tête aux orteils
– et atelier utilise surtout les techniques de massage en accuprésion et réflexologie
– comment s’occuper des affections courantes, comme par exemple, les coliques chez les bébés, le rhume, la fièvre, la poussée dentaire, les indigestions, etc.

Cet atelier est convenient pour les femmes enceintes, les nouveaux parents ou des doula/postpartum doula ou les genres qui prendre soins des petits.

Prix –
135$ par famille
Reçu d’assurance disponible.

Le prix inclus l’huile de massage biologique adapté pour les bébés, un salve pour bien dormir fait à la main, les documents d’information qui vous pourriez garder pour vous-même. Il y a 2 places d’aide financière disponibles. Contact Sally pour les détails.


Sally Lee:
Sally est une mère épanouie. Sa fille de 5 ans a une influence vivifiante sur sa vie. Sally croie en l’équilibre de la vie et la sagesse ancestrale, en leur pouvoir de guérison, l’énergie féminine universelle ainsi qu’en la magie d’être curieux. A travers de ses croyances, elle créée une connexion profonde avec ses étudiants avec qui elle partage en amitié et amour. Sally est massothérapeute, professeure de yoga et yoga thérapeute. Elle crois que le corps est constitué d’une sagesse vivante et d’une capacité de guérison qui lui permettre d’atteindre un équilibre.

sally lee
FB. [b-ê :: well]

[ b-ê :: well ] is where cannot be filled and never full

Gratitudes : some words and memories from moms who I have worked with since 2015 ❤️🌷

“Sally’s baby massage class was wonderfully informative and structured—and a really fun way to meet other new parents. I find myself turning back to the booklet she created for us several times a week as I grapple with the common baby issues we went over during the course: cold and congestion, gastro problems, teething, and trouble sleeping. Massage has become a daily ritual for baby and me, and has been a beautiful way to bond and to help her feel healthy and secure. I’m so grateful for Sally’s generous teaching style and for the invaluable insights into how touch and acupressure can make all the difference. 

Having Sally to turn to in my immediate postpartum period was a huge comfort. She massaged me once or twice a week in the first month after I gave birth, helping me to integrate my labor, destress, and combat the bodily tensions that can quickly pile up in new motherhood. I felt absolutely rejuvenated after massages with her—she always knew just how and where to touch—and she accommodated the baby, too, who often nursed as I was treated. We began every session with some talk time, during which I asked tons of questions and Sally provided essential support. She’s a well of information when it comes to newborn care and to the postpartum period—we discussed everything from baby’s reflux to my own nutrition—and I don’t see how I would have survived those first weeks without her! I would really highly recommend Sally as a massage therapist and/or postpartum doula to new mothers. The mix of physical and emotional care she provides is incredible. And I still regularly message her with questions and receive warm, thoughtful, educational responses every time.” ~ Hillary Brenhouse

“ Pouvoir connecter avec son bébé est un moment magique, et Sally est la parfaite accompagnatrice pour créer ce lien : à travers le cours de yoga post natal, dans lequel la nouvelle maman peut retrouver les sensations de son corps tout en partageant ce moment avec bébé; mais aussi lors d’un cours de massage pour bébé, pour cette fois ci permettre à celui ci de mieux se sentir dans le sien. Mon bébé et moi avons eu la chance de connaître ces deux cours, et la douceur de Sally nous a conquise !” ~ Anaïs Flanquart

“ Sally is a very knowledgeable, warm, and kind teacher and massage therapist. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who’s having a baby or has just had one. I routinely use quite a few of the baby massage methods from her workshop.” ~ Darya

“ I went to Sally for 4 prenatal massages and each one was fantastic. She always took the time to see how I was feeling physically and emotionally before the massage to make sure she could address my specific needs. She even offered TCM nutritional tips for my pregnancy that were total life-savers – especially in my first trimester! I have already recommended Sally to family and friends and will continue to do so. Her blend of acupressure and Swedish will leave you totally relaxed.” ~ Melanie Richards

“ I went to see Sally almost weekly in my third trimester of pregnancy, and only wish I found her sooner. I was feeling extremely anxious during that time in my pregnancy, both birth related and in general. Through acupressure and massage therapy, as well as yoga and thoughtful advice, she managed to decrease my anxiety significantly, relieve some physical discomfort and help me sleep better. To top it all off, I ask to see her the day after my due date to help induce labour through acupressure and I went into labour at 4am the next morning. Sally is amazing at what she does and an incredibly kind human being. “ ~ Kathryne LeBlanc

“ Sally nous a accompagnés pour la préparation à l’accouchement et durant la période post-partum. En tant que nouveaux parents nous avions beaucoup de questions et Sally a su y répondre avec bienveillance, ce qui nous a rassurés et donné confiance. Son aide fut très appréciée.” ~ Sandrine 

“ Over the years I have enjoyed Sally Lee’s support and healing expertise in the form of Yoga and massage, before, during pregnancy and postpartum. I’ve taken her baby massage course and sought out her postpartum doula services for my baby.

When I think of healers, Sally is one of the first people who to come to mind. She has a vast wealth of knowledge that complements her various skills and services.  WhenI I book for a massage, I also receive TCM information on diet, work life balance and concrete suggestions for over all well-being. She will ensure to answer all of my questions and she will follow up with me after a session. These aspects of healing go above and beyond the norm.  Sally is naturally a community oriented person, linking me to people and services in my neighbourhood. She bridges technique, care and community seamlessly. She is generous, flexible, kind, an excellent teacher, and skilled practitioner. 

I’m grateful to know her and confident to share her contact to everyone I know seeking support for themselves or their family.” ~ Sara Martin