Your birth partner can be your love partner, friend, family member, doula, midwife, etc. who will be there at your labor to take care of you and your needs.

The Natural Birthing Workshop can be broken down into 2-3 sessions, depending on your schedule and what you need. I usually give this workshops at your place, in a private and intimate setting, so you and your partners or family can ask whatever questions or concerns you have in mind about birthing, labor, induction, feeding, after the birth, etc.

The 1st session: AFTER THE BIRTH

I like to deliver the birthday presents before the birthday cake, metaphorically 😆 

It is because there are so much to mention about after the birth. That it is very important to mention the scenarios after the birth, and all the questions you may have about it, but at the same time, it is also CRUCIAL to just focus on the birth itself, that’s why I prefer to deliver this before the BIRTHING session itself.

—> In this 1.5hr session, we will be looking at:

– in general: Postpartum care for the mother, father and baby, and what to expect

– Feeding: breastfeeding, bottle feeding, formula feeding

– Sucking: the baby sucking and latching on comfort and positions, mom feeding comfort and positions

– Holding: different ways to handle or hold the baby to your comfort and the security of the baby according to his/her anatomical structure at newborn

– Sleeping: sleeping positions and options (ie, co-sleeping, cradle/bassinet/crib option, sleeping on his/her back, on the side or on the belly, etc.)

– Equipments: what materials, equipments, tools, etc. you may need in the 0-3 months (ie baby carrier, poussette, wipes, soothers, pumps, etc.)

– Feeding yourself: postpartum food that helps with vaginal and/or Caesarean birth, increase/decrease milk supply, snacks and drinks for energy, etc

– Sleeping with confident: sleeping/resting is sooooo important postpartum, we will look at how you can be restful without sleeping very much 💡 

The 2nd session: THE BIRTH

—> In this 3 hours birthing workshop, there will be lecture & practice which will cover:

– An overview of the different stages of labor, ex. How to monitor the contraction, When to call your doula, when to go to the hospital, options available for labor, etc. 

– The anatomy, physiology and energy of a pregnant woman and the fetus

– Positions, breathing exercise/techniques, meditation, movements/sounds/exercise for the different stages during Labor 

– Practical lists and diagrams for your partner and yourself to feel more confident in different situations 

– Conscious communications with your partner before, during and after labor

– Massage, natural ways to induce/encourage labor, pressure points (on the meridians/energy lines of TCM) for reducing pain and inducing labor (that you can do it yourself, with your midwife and/or with your partner)

– Exploring hypno-birthing, guided visualization and meditation 

– A full page for the BIRTH PARTNER ONLY!! You are as important as the birth itself, you will not be left out!! Lists of reminders and things to support and aware for the birth

– This can be broken down into 2 separate sessions, each 1.5hrs each, depending on your preference

The act of birthing gives birth to a little human, as well as a care-bearers/parents, and a family – a constant negotiation of co-habitation and co-existence. We can look at the different stages of development in a new formed family, however, the born and growth of a family is the experience shared, failed, and learned, just as how the baby will learn how to feed oneself. The workshop is a very good way for both partners, but especially the non-childbearing partner, to be part of this intimate and challenge-worthy 😉 process of labor. It allows a neutral space for the parents-to-be to grow together and develop healthy conscious bonding and connections with the little one(s).

Investment: $365 per couple (private, at your home) or $285 per couple (in a group, at a studio)

To register or get a FREE 20min consultation to find out if this is the right match for you –>